Oh, what a beautiful baby we have. It has it's mother's lima, and its father's bean. Part of me thinks that most people find ultrasound pictures irrelevant, but here it is for those of you that love seeing it like we do.
I went to my OBGYN office yesterday for my first prenatal appointment. I was so excited. On the elevator up I was saying to myself: This is my very FIRST visit to the doctor PREGNANT. I'll never do this for the first time again. (Those of you that have been pregnant or are pregnant know that there are about a zillion doctor appointments throughout the course of the pregnancy.) I always try and make sure the weight of what is happening in life is realized so that I don't let the moment pass.
Basically, I can't eat or do anything so that's cool. Ha. I'm most sad about giving up the Diet Coke. That will most likely be the hardest for me. Besides asking me three hundred questions, the doctor's visit was pretty much uneventful. The best part was that when I got to the doctor's office, I had to pee really bad (for those of you that know how much I peed BEFORE I got pregnant, imagine this 10 x worse). Anyways, I was thinking I better suck it up and hold it since they'll probably need a sample. Well I guess I was squeaking in my chair a little too much and looking a little pained because the receptionist looks over at me and mouths: Do you need to go to the bathroom? Ha. Guess I'm not very discrete with my body language.
This morning Andy and I went to our ultrasound appointment at Vanderbilt. (Once again, I say in the car: This is the FIRST time we will see our baby!!) I dont know if I mentioned this before, but I am participating in a study with Vanderbilt for pregnant women. One of the incentives is a free early ultrasound. If I wasn't part of this study, we would have had to have waited until I was 20 weeks! Anyways, the nurse told us that the woman doing the ultrasound wouldn't talk to us (since I am a participant instead of a patient). We were bummed because that meant we couldn't find out how far along I was. Not to mention how weird it would be to have someone probing around and not responding to us. I guess I could think of creepier situations.
BUT, we get in there and the ultrasound tech is like: I'm not suppose to talk to you, but I'm going to tell you what you want to know. How awesome is that?!?! SOO...I thought I was 6 weeks and 4 days, but she tells us I'm 6 weeks tomorrow. Nothing to write home about I suppose. OUR DUE DATE IS OCTOBER 19TH. And the heartbeat was 102. (Normal at 6 weeks is 90-113). Go baby!
It was so cool to see the little flicker. Andy says, beaming: Well, ITS OFFICIAL. Like it wasn't before this. hehe.