To say this process is unique and life-changing is a bit clichéd. It is also less than unique to say that it is both surreal and all-too-real. Yet, Maren and I seem to come to similar conclusions daily. We marvel at what is going on now, and we envision what will be in just about half a year. We discuss how we will approach the art of parenting, and we acknowledge that, although we have ambitious goals and idealistic plans, that we don’t really have a clue about this thing.
To me, the most unique part of the process so far has been simply observing Maren begin the journey. I thought she was entertaining, alluring, and fiery before, but now my amusement and wonder never ceases! I try to be supportive as much as possible, but most of the time there is nothing I can do—so I just sit back and capture this time in my memory. After all, I have to have the material in order to be the nostalgic “Clark Griswold” character that Maren expects me to be!
I am also humbled already by many things; humbled that I can only assist in this process and support Maren. I am also humbled by thoughts of what it will take forge a strong and stable home—one that is marked by faith, friendship, community, personal growth, and the continual practice of grace. I think, from what I have observed in others, that the whole act of parenting is humbling. What could rein one in to a greater degree than being responsible for the livelihood of another? Parenting does not allow an individual the luxury of making unilateral decisions and living impulsively. People who try to defy this reality, simply put, are mediocre parents. Anyway, I won’t go on any further . . . even though I want to.
I want to close first by announcing that Maren is 15 weeks into her pregnancy and that our baby’s heartbeat was measured in the 150’s—perfect according to the doctor. Our next appointment will take place in 5 weeks, and at that time we should know if it is a boy or girl! Secondly, I want to say that Maren is doing fantastically well. She stays in good spirits despite feeling, let’s just say, less than perfect. She is the model of Dennis Prager’s philosophy about choosing to be happy even when circumstances aren’t favorable for that mood. I admire and respect her more each day and can’t wait to see her blossom into the mother she is meant to be.