Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's a Shocker!!!

"Well...can you tell? There it is." Of course I could tell, but she needed to tell us. "It's a boy." Ok, so let me just explain why I immediately burst into tears. I felt completely guilty. From day one, I thought it was a girl and imagined everything from the room, to the clothes, to the relationship we'd have as mother and daughter. I felt guilty for wanting that. So, after I had my cry, I quieted down and watched our son moving around in there. The tech was having a hard time getting a picture of his eyes and lips because his precious little hands were balled up in his face blocking her view. Andy and I talked in the car about it. Now that it has sunk in, I am excited. We are having a son! I'm sure our house will be trashed, loud, and insane, just like we like it. ;) And he will probably ride our dog like a horse. And probably be incredibly sweet, like his father is. I couldn't be happier. Really. I look forward to the days ahead where the realness of it really takes hold. I am 20 weeks today, so halfway there, and already looking ahead to his arrival. Now, I know who he is and I'm ready to meet him. And I'm in love with my husband and I see what an amazing father and role model he will be for our son. I can't wait to watch him in action. Oh yeah. His name. We've decided his name is Andrew Sullivan Kurek, and we will call him "Sully."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Latest Happenings: 19 weeks and counting

So much has happened in the last two weeks that I don't think I'll be able to do it all justice. Last weekend Andy graduated with his masters. Two of his sweet clients came that have trained with him for a couple of years now, his parents, and my dad. Afterward, we all went to my mom's house for a cookout. She made an awesome graduation party lunch for Andy with the rest of the family and even my aunt and cousin came in from Knoxville. We both felt very blessed and honored with everyone there. The next day we left for Florida with some of my family.

It was a wellllll needed vacation. Our last vacation I'm sure without baby in tow. We basically laid around on the beach and read all week. My brother and his wife brought their 10-month old baby Lilly. She is unbelievable cute. She does this cute move that we call the hulk. We say: "Lilly, do the hulk" and she will clench her mouth and ball her fists up and start to shake. I think Andy and I are a little deceived about how easy babies are. Lilly is really independent and will entertain herself for hours. I have a feeling we won't be that lucky. We'll probably have a demon child that resembles me as a child. I have been told by my family that I was quite a handful.

My stomach just started to look pregnant toward the end of our trip. Sooooo, lucky me got to feel like a bloated carcass on the beach. Not quite the cute baby bump I had imagined in a bathing suit. I still look like I have a beer gut, but I am told that I will look undeniably pregnant over the next couple of weeks. whipeee! In other amazing news, I have been able to feel the baby move for the last few weeks. My favorite part of the day is going to sleep at night because I lie with my hand on my stomach in the stillness and enjoy feeling the little booger have a dance party in my belly.

A week from tomorrow (May 25th), we find out the sex!!!! My intuition tells me girl, but I still wouldn't be surprised if it had a willy. Any guesses!?!?

Your baby this week (Pardon me if I find the description a little gross this week).

Six inches long this week and about eight ounces in weight, your baby is the size of a large mango.

Your little action figure is able to choreograph Matrix-like moves at 19 weeks pregnant. Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. All these upgrades combine to give your baby more control over limb movements. Which explains all that kicking, stretching, and bodysurfing (or rather bellysurfing) you've possibly started feeling by now.

Something else going on this week: Your baby is getting a cheesy varnish. Say what? Yup — a protective substance called vernix caseosa (vernix is the Latin word for varnish; caseosa is cheese) now covers your baby's skin. It's greasy and white and is made up of lanugo (that downy hair), oil from your baby's glands, and dead skin cells. This waxy "cheese" may not sound too appetizing or attractive, but it's there for good reason: Vernix protects your baby's sensitive skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it, your baby would look very wrinkled at birth (sort of what you'd look like if you soaked in a bath for nine months). Some babies — especially those born early — will still be covered with vernix at the delivery, so you might get a look at your baby's first anti-wrinkle cream.