Sunday, December 5, 2010

Breastfeeding, you have won me over

When we were pregnant, we decided that I was going to breastfeed Sully. I knew that it was going to be challenging and I had lots of family and friends who simply weren't able to do it. Knowing all this, I didn't take it for granted that it would work for me, or that if it did that it would be easy. With Sully being in the hospital for a week with jaundice (and originally dehydrated because he wasn't nursing well), I had plenty of obstacles to succeeding.
When we were released from the hospital, we had to take him to the doctor to check his bilirubin levels and his weight every other day. Sully wasn't gaining enough weight, according to the doctor (insert eye roll from me). BUT, I refused to give up on the nursing. But since this time, there has not been a day that has gone by that I haven't doubted my abilities to provide him with enough food to grow. Even though he is growing and changing everyday, I have had this weird hangup in my mind about if I was doing well enough. And I have wanted to give up sooo many times.
Since then, it has been one of the most challenging things I have ever done. It is difficult to get them started, and exhausting to be the ONLY one that can get up in the middle of the night every three (or two hours), it digests faster than formula so he needs to eat more often, we have to schedule our whole day around nursing and often get stuck places for longer than we'd like, and I often have to seclude myself in another room if nursing in the open isn't feasible.
BUT, last night I had this amazing experience. Andy and I went to a wedding for a friend and his mom and stepdad kept the baby. Around 8:30, I texted to see how things were. She responded that he had basically screamed his head off non-stop since we left. We left the wedding right away and came in to a sad scene. Andy's mom was pacing the nursery with the baby and looking wrecked. Sully was SCREAMING inconsolably in her arms. Both of them looked totally stressed out and I felt horrible that they had wanted us to have a good time and had not told us.
I took the baby from Laurie and closed the door and began nursing him. He immediately stopped crying and after about two minutes fell completely to sleep for about four solid hours. As I sat there in the room with him, watching him sleep peacefully, I felt so happy that I had stuck through all the hard times with breastfeeding. It was all worth it in that moment to be able to give him such comfort that no one else could. There is something so beautiful about the comfort of breastfeeding to the baby that I never understood before I had him. I love that I've been given that gift. This burden that I always felt like I had has truly turned into a blessing for me and one of my greatest joys.

Two Month Update:

Sully has started smiling and cooing over the last couple of weeks. It has made ALLL the difference to us. Interacting with him can entertain us for hours and I feel like parenting is getting more enjoyable and exciting everyday. He is growing like crazy and I can't believe how big he has already gotten. Andy and I had our two year anniversary this month (can't believe it's already been two years!!) Lots of changes and we are trying to hang on to the moments because we know all too well how fast they pass. I need to post a picture of his sweet little smile, but our camera sucks. We need to just bite the bullet and go buy one!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sully's First Month

So it's taken me an entire month to do a post about the baby, but uh . . I've been a little busy. I can't believe it's been a month already and I can't believe it's been only a month already (if that makes any sense). Our world has definitely been changed and I don't really know how to summarize all that's happen so far. He is so incredibly precious and we still have a hard time believing that he is ours. That we made him and that we get to keep him.
My guess is that everyone already knows about our two hospital trips with Sully's jaundice. That was by FAR the hardest thing that I have ever been through individually and the hardest thing that Andy and I have been through as a couple. I feel like we were ushered into the worry of parenthood right off of the bat. We had him home for a day before the doctors told us to take him down to the emergency room. And there began the week of tests, pricks, IVs, no sleep, and baking our baby under the lights. We're finally past that and it's an entire story in and of itself, but I feel like we have moved on so there is no point in dwelling. We're so happy to have our baby home and to have the freedom to enjoy him without worrying so much about his health.
Though its been joyous, its been hard as crap. I had an idea that it would be difficult, but I guess there is no way to really know how hard it was going to be. Even though Andy and I feel like we miss each other all the time (even when were in the same room), and get no sleep, and I haven't had a hot meal without my little alarm clock waking up as soon as it is set on the table, it's the little things that make having him around so great. The faces he makes in his sleep, the little hiccups that he gets without fail everyday (sometimes farting at the same time), his little cry that we think sounds like a Pterodactyl (yes, I had to look that up) before it gets really going, how he smells so sweet, his awesome hair that makes him look more like a little boy instead of a baby, and how much love and awe he has added to our lives.
I know this time is short so im trying not to wish it away for my sleep back. Here are some pictures of the little dude. To see more amazing and better quality pictures of the delivery day and his newborn pics, go to my facebook page or visit

Thursday, September 30, 2010

38.5 weeks

Went to the doctor this morning. My best friend Bayley came with us for our ultrasound. I hope she wasn't disappointed because it looked like she was just zooming in on some blobs and telling us it was a foot or an arm. hehe. Anyways, we did get one picture out of it. And he looks like his dad. :) He scored an 8 out of 8 on his ultrasound test so we are proud mamas and papas.

The doc checked me again. I am 60% effaced and 2 CM dilated, which means . . . it could be SOON! or not. ha. Regardless, we are packed and banking on soon. More to come!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

37.5 weeks and REAAAADY!

Well....we have 3.5 weeks left...or one day....or 4.5 weeks. I suppose the countdown is arbitrary. Either way, we are CLOSE! And I am READY to not be pregnant. I'm running out of clothes! ha. We don't have our crib yet, but we have our room ready and painted and perfect. My mom and my sis-in-law Shannon worked for weeks on this amazingly cute owl mural. I couldn't have been happier with it. My mom made the curtains! I have some talented people in my life for sure. The so cute owl pillow on the glider was made by my friend LeAnna. I love it all and couldn't have imagined a better nursery. We are using an armoir as our changing table and closet. Now all we need is baby!

My bags are packed and ready to go. So...just in case he needs a memo, we're ready. ;) I went to the doctor today and I am dilated 1.5 cm. Which, as I've heard/read, doesn't really mean anything as far as when he will come. BUT, either way to me it means he's on the way and I am EXCITED. We also get to have an ultrasound next Thursday! This is an awesome surprise because the doc acted like my chances for having another one were slim.

Soo...the waiting game begins. :) I will post pictures and a blog about my last two showers soon.

Your baby this week:

With just three more weeks to go and at about six and a half pounds (though weight and height vary from fetus to fetus), your baby is doing just fine. You can expect weight gain to be about half an ounce per day. (Boys, though, are likely to be heavier at birth than girls. And here's a bit of boy baby trivia to back that one up: Moms carrying boys tend to eat more than moms carrying girls — a foreshadowing of teenage refrigerator raids to come.) Since your little one is considered full-term at 37 weeks pregnant, if your baby was to leave the wet nest this week, he or she would likely thrive. That's because Mother Nature and you have done such a fine job.

So what's keeping your little one busy while waiting it out until D-day? Practice, practice, practice. Your baby is simulating breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, sucking on his or her thumb, blinking, and pivoting from side to side (one day you feel the tushy on the left side, another day it has swung around to the right side). All these are skills needed for his or her next gig — starring as newborn.

Here's an interesting fact: Your baby's head (which, by the way, is still growing) will, at birth, be the same size circumference as his or her hips, abdomen, and shoulders. And guess what's making an impression (literally) these days on those shoulders and hips: fat — causing little dimples in those cute elbows and knees, shoulders and hip, and creases and folds in the neck and wrists.

Friday, September 10, 2010

First baby shower and 35 weeks.

Wow! I can't believe that we've only got about five weeks left. If he's like his daddy, he'll come before that. Andrew was 5 weeks early. I need him to stay in there til October at least! haha. I had my first shower on Saturday. It was a shower for my family thrown by my awesome sis-in-law Shannon. It was a sweet time and a lot of fun. I COULD NOT BELIEVE how big I was when I saw the pictures. It's like all of the sudden I'm HUUGE. I'm having a shower with friends tomorrow at Bayley's house and we just found out that our church is also throwing us one. That is AWESOME news.

I will post pictures of our nursery soon. It is better than I imagined and I can't wait to reveal it. Andy and I have always been blessed with very talented friends and family and our nursery definitely shows that. :)

Here are some pictures from the shower.

Monday, August 9, 2010

31 weeks

It's been almost a month since I last posted, so quite a bit has happened since then. One of the biggest things is that I got a new job, subsequently lost it, and simultaneously went down to freelancing hours at my old job. All of this piling up to equal one frantic, stressed out pregnant lady. But, the Lord has been good to us, providing in ways that are truly amazing big and small. One of the most amazing ways was through our church. We went to lunch with our sweet friends, the Sadlers, mainly just to talk and get some advice. A few days later, Susan emailed me to tell me that our church wanted to pay off a doctor's bill that we had for a biopsy I had done (it was benign). It was a huge burden off of our backs and an unbelievable blessing. This has really been an interesting and challenging time in our lives, but I know in hindsight we will look back in awe of God's love and providence.

In other news, Andy's best friend Tei has moved back to Franklin. I have to get used to this because it means catching up on LOTS of lost guy time. :) BUT...I must say. I love it. I love Andy's friends moving back and I love his friends. Tei and his wife, Shanna, just had an absolutely BEAUTIFUL little Asian baby doll. We've already put in an order for our kids to continue the tradition by being best friends like their daddies.

Andy's job is going really well. He is meeting all kinds of crazy people that can "talk shop" with him. I must say, this has been good for our marriage. I can only listen to "physiological dynamics of muscular . . . " for so long before my eyeballs glaze over and I have to start nodding dumbly.

The pregnancy is bumping along quite nicely. I tested negative for gestational diabetes, so that hump is over with. My self-esteem you ask? Still taking a ferocious beating. Some women say that they feel beautiful during pregnancy. Well...good for them! I think the baby is sucking all elements of attractiveness out of me. For one, and only one, thing, my nose has gotten bigger. Andy did not believe this for some time, but I finally proved it to him. My friend Paul came into town. I haven't seen him since before I got pregnant and I'm thinking Paul will tell me the truth! So i say: Paul, has my nose gotten bigger? Paul: Yeah! It has! What is that about?! I don't know. Maybe Paul thought I got a nose job. haha. Not only was I not offended by this, I felt grateful to know that: No, I was not crazy. And no, it's not just the pictures that are making my nose look that big. THANKS baby!

I have just now gotten to the point where I'm starting to be uncomfortable. I can only imagine how bad its going to be in the last couple of weeks before having him. Oh dear. Oh dear. He better be worth it. ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our Pooch

We get a lot of crap for our dog. He is a pit bull, possibly mixed with something, possibly not. Pit Bull websites and books tell you that as an owner of a pit bull, you are taking on the responsibility of forever being good PR representatives for this breed that gets a lot of bad attention and bad publicity. I don't know about others, but we think ours is the biggest baby in the world. He might look meaty and scary, but really he's just hard up for a good cuddle. Here's some more pictures of our ferocious beast in action, attacking some dirty clothes that have been piled on top of him.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Our First Garden

Andy's aunt Nancy and uncle Frank came in May to help us plant our first raised-bed garden. They are experts and we nodded our heads a lot and tried to absorb as much information as we could in one day. But, two months later, we are growing, growing, growing. We planted tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, onions, green peppers, cilantro, and basil. mmmmm....sounds like some good salsa. ;) Anywho, here are some pictures of our flourishing veggie patch. And one of Jack, with our favorite look that we call "Cauliflower ears." He will walk around for about an hour with his ears docked before they finally fall down. It's pretty dang cute.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

26 weeks

Well....its getting harder and harder to take a somewhat flattering picture. Andy took a hundred and most were met with: Oh dear God! Do I really look like that?! At least I'm laughing. This last week was a weird one. I had my very own psychotic pregnancy breakdown. I started laughing and it turned into weeping...back to laughing. Poor Andy. He didn't know whether to laugh or to comfort me. Whew.

This week we have been going over to the lake near our house. Andy's mom and stepdad let us in on a little secret sweet spot. Its 15 minutes from our house and it's free. We've been going over there several times a week to get some exercise and some relief from the 100 degree weather we've been having.

I hesitate to share this because its a less than flattering story, but its too funny to skip over. Last Sunday when we were at the lake, it was wavy like the ocean. I've been having terrible heartburn for the last month or so. TERRIBLE. They say there is some correlation between the amount of heartburn you have and the amount of hair the baby has. Alls I'm saying is that that little turd better come out with a full mane.

Anyways, back to my less-than-flattering story. We were bobbing up and down in the waves, not helping my heartburn in the least. I dont' know if you guys have ever had heartburn, but it feels like you are drinking acid. So, I start swimming away from the group because I feel like I'm about to hurl. Andy says: Where are you going?! Me: Get away from me, I'm gonna puke. And so I did. And right when I did, a wave came. And you could guess the end of the story. The throw-up went right back into my face, and into my eyes. I felt very elegant to say the least.

In other news, Andy has started his new job at the Y. He has only been there for a week but he has gotten the chance to meet some really cool people and it looks like he will be getting the opportunity to advance his skills in different aspects of training that he has yet to experience. We see loads of possibility there and only anticipate what will come.

Other than that, nothing too crazy has been happening. Besides the heartburn and feeling like a barn, I hardly notice being pregnant.

This week inside the womb:

Look who's looking. Your baby's eyes — which have been closed for the past few months (so that the retina, the part of the eye that allows images to come into focus, could develop) — are beginning to open at 26 weeks pregnant. What this means is that your baby is able to see what's going on now (unfortunately the view in your uterus isn't all that exciting). But do try this at home for kicks (baby's that is): Shine a flashlight at your stomach. Your baby might kick in response (as in: "Get that light out of my eyes!").

The iris, the colored part of the eye, still doesn't have much pigmentation (that'll fill in over the next month or two), so it's too early to start guessing your baby's eye color. Even the color your baby will be born with might not be the permanent shade; so you may be kept guessing until your baby is close to six months old.

Look what else is going on this week: Your baby's brain-wave activity is kicking in at this stage in fetal development, which means your little one can not only hear noises but can now also respond to them. Not in so many words, of course, but with an increase in pulse rate or activity.

And talking about activity, at your baby's current height and weight (about nine inches tall and two pounds), and at the rate he or she is growing, your baby will soon be feeling a little cramped in your uterus. Not to worry, there's still plenty of room for your baby to grow. It just means your gymnast will have less room for those somersaults, cartwheels, and other Olympic feats.

Friday, June 11, 2010

22.5 Weeks

Here are some pictures of my belly and one of Jack thrown in for good measure... belly has finally started looking pregnant. Unfortunately, my hips and everything else are starting to look pregnant too! Ha. This week is my 22nd week and all is going well. I have no real complaints. I read somewhere that the baby is starting to be able to sense bright lights. They suggested putting a flashlight up to your belly and seeing if the baby will kick. We he didn't at first. About five minutes after our experiment we had turned off the lights to go to bed. And then I felt him kick me super hard. So, I woke Andy back up and had him put his hand on my belly. We got three really good, hard kicks. That was really cool since I've never felt him kick that hard and Andy got to experience it.

Another really exciting bit of news that I keep forgetting to blog about is that Andy has been offered a training job a the Maryland Farms YMCA. Possibly the busiest and absolute best location for training in Middle Tennessee. He starts a week from Monday and we are THRILLED for this new development. Though he is sad to leave all of his clients in Lebanon, he is entering into a whole new realm of possibilities and we're feeling pretty blessed right now.

My friend Gretchen gave us EIGHT BINS of clothing for boys from newborn until age 5. And I'm not talking just shirts and pants; I'm talking jackets, hats, shoes, socks, swimsuits, you name it. Full on wardrobes for the boy until his is at least five years old. She is an unbelievable blessing. They also gave us gates, a highchair, a swing, a crib mattress, and countless other things I can't think of on the top of my head.

After a year of definitely having some struggles and trials, we feel things are looking bright for us and can't wait to see what the rest of this year holds.

El bebe this week:

Guess what? At 22 weeks pregnant, your baby has finally broken the one-pound mark. How heavy is that? Hold a one-pound box of sugar in your hand the next time you're in the grocery story (and expect people to ask you why you're grinning from ear to ear). Is the box eight inches long? That's about the length your baby is too!

This week, your sweetie is making more sense of the world as he or she develops the sense of touch. In fact, your little one's grip is quite developed by now — and since there's nothing else to grab in utero, he or she may sometimes hold on tight to that umbilical cord (don't worry — it's tough enough to handle it). The sense of sight is also getting more developed. Your fetus can now perceive light and dark much better than before (even with those fused eyelids). But remember — unless you're shining a flashlight over your belly (which you can do, by the way), it'll be mostly dark for your baby inside that cozy womb of yours.

Moving up from the eyes, the eyelashes and eyebrows are well formed now — and even more hair is sprouting atop that cute little head. You'd be quite surprised, though, if you could see your little one up close and in color. Hair at this stage of fetal development has no pigment, so it's bright white.

Friday, June 4, 2010

A blog to make the married folk laugh

So, many of you know I listen to Dennis Prager ( on a regular basis. He is a talk-show host that broadcasts about politics, issues in life, happiness, marriage, you name it. Well, he frequently has a guest on named Alison Armstrong. Alison Armstrong is an advocate for understanding men and women and their differences and what impact it has on your marriage.

So, the other day she was on his show and they were talking about something and I had this AH-HA moment. Before I go any further, can I just say this is GENERALLY true about men, just in case it doesn't apply. Sooo...for the rest of us. Alison was talking about a book she is writing and a dialogue that she was creating between a husband and a wife about taking out the trash. The wife is irritated because he doesn't take out the trash when it needs it. She asks him if he could take it out. The husband asks: When do you want me to take it out? The wife is dumbfounded. Well obviously when it is full. So, Allison stops writing at this point and tries to figure out why the husband would ask this question. And then it hits her.

When men are busy with a task, they are so focused on the task at hand that it would NEVER occur to them to take out the trash. Mainly because they are in the middle of something else. It wouldn't make sense for them to stop in the middle of what they were doing and start on something else.

Women on the other hand, can't function until the trash is taken out. Our environment is speaking to us. We don't have to straighten the pillow, the PILLOW is demanding to be straightened. Or we can't cook until the dishes have been done and we have a clean slate to work with.

This was so funny to me because Andy and I had had countless "arguments" over the exact same thing. He wants to know why I can't just sit down and watch the movie in our dirty living room. I had tried to explain that I couldn't enjoy myself because I saw all the dust on the tables. His response: What dust?!

I've heard countless topics on men and women from Dennis Prager and Alison Armstrong, but for some reason, this one really got to me. Understanding our differences makes it humorous instead of infuriating. Instead of it annoying me, it endears me to men. I love our differences. Thank God they aren't like us women. That would be one crazy, emotional world!

SO.....without further ado. My boss has his own bathroom that no one else uses. Check out his trash spilling out the top and all over the floor. Before learning this, a woman could think: What a slob? Doesn't he notice. The answer: Actually no, he doesn't. In fact, half the time he is walking to the bathroom, he is getting off the phone with some business person. Trash is the last thing on his mind. Ha. Had to share. I love learning about life and human nature.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It's a Shocker!!!

"Well...can you tell? There it is." Of course I could tell, but she needed to tell us. "It's a boy." Ok, so let me just explain why I immediately burst into tears. I felt completely guilty. From day one, I thought it was a girl and imagined everything from the room, to the clothes, to the relationship we'd have as mother and daughter. I felt guilty for wanting that. So, after I had my cry, I quieted down and watched our son moving around in there. The tech was having a hard time getting a picture of his eyes and lips because his precious little hands were balled up in his face blocking her view. Andy and I talked in the car about it. Now that it has sunk in, I am excited. We are having a son! I'm sure our house will be trashed, loud, and insane, just like we like it. ;) And he will probably ride our dog like a horse. And probably be incredibly sweet, like his father is. I couldn't be happier. Really. I look forward to the days ahead where the realness of it really takes hold. I am 20 weeks today, so halfway there, and already looking ahead to his arrival. Now, I know who he is and I'm ready to meet him. And I'm in love with my husband and I see what an amazing father and role model he will be for our son. I can't wait to watch him in action. Oh yeah. His name. We've decided his name is Andrew Sullivan Kurek, and we will call him "Sully."

Monday, May 17, 2010

Latest Happenings: 19 weeks and counting

So much has happened in the last two weeks that I don't think I'll be able to do it all justice. Last weekend Andy graduated with his masters. Two of his sweet clients came that have trained with him for a couple of years now, his parents, and my dad. Afterward, we all went to my mom's house for a cookout. She made an awesome graduation party lunch for Andy with the rest of the family and even my aunt and cousin came in from Knoxville. We both felt very blessed and honored with everyone there. The next day we left for Florida with some of my family.

It was a wellllll needed vacation. Our last vacation I'm sure without baby in tow. We basically laid around on the beach and read all week. My brother and his wife brought their 10-month old baby Lilly. She is unbelievable cute. She does this cute move that we call the hulk. We say: "Lilly, do the hulk" and she will clench her mouth and ball her fists up and start to shake. I think Andy and I are a little deceived about how easy babies are. Lilly is really independent and will entertain herself for hours. I have a feeling we won't be that lucky. We'll probably have a demon child that resembles me as a child. I have been told by my family that I was quite a handful.

My stomach just started to look pregnant toward the end of our trip. Sooooo, lucky me got to feel like a bloated carcass on the beach. Not quite the cute baby bump I had imagined in a bathing suit. I still look like I have a beer gut, but I am told that I will look undeniably pregnant over the next couple of weeks. whipeee! In other amazing news, I have been able to feel the baby move for the last few weeks. My favorite part of the day is going to sleep at night because I lie with my hand on my stomach in the stillness and enjoy feeling the little booger have a dance party in my belly.

A week from tomorrow (May 25th), we find out the sex!!!! My intuition tells me girl, but I still wouldn't be surprised if it had a willy. Any guesses!?!?

Your baby this week (Pardon me if I find the description a little gross this week).

Six inches long this week and about eight ounces in weight, your baby is the size of a large mango.

Your little action figure is able to choreograph Matrix-like moves at 19 weeks pregnant. Arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are now connected between the brain and muscles, and cartilage throughout the body is turning to bone. All these upgrades combine to give your baby more control over limb movements. Which explains all that kicking, stretching, and bodysurfing (or rather bellysurfing) you've possibly started feeling by now.

Something else going on this week: Your baby is getting a cheesy varnish. Say what? Yup — a protective substance called vernix caseosa (vernix is the Latin word for varnish; caseosa is cheese) now covers your baby's skin. It's greasy and white and is made up of lanugo (that downy hair), oil from your baby's glands, and dead skin cells. This waxy "cheese" may not sound too appetizing or attractive, but it's there for good reason: Vernix protects your baby's sensitive skin from the surrounding amniotic fluid. Without it, your baby would look very wrinkled at birth (sort of what you'd look like if you soaked in a bath for nine months). Some babies — especially those born early — will still be covered with vernix at the delivery, so you might get a look at your baby's first anti-wrinkle cream.