So it's taken me an entire month to do a post about the baby, but uh . . I've been a little busy. I can't believe it's been a month already and I can't believe it's been only a month already (if that makes any sense). Our world has definitely been changed and I don't really know how to summarize all that's happen so far. He is so incredibly precious and we still have a hard time believing that he is ours. That we made him and that we get to keep him.
My guess is that everyone already knows about our two hospital trips with Sully's jaundice. That was by FAR the hardest thing that I have ever been through individually and the hardest thing that Andy and I have been through as a couple. I feel like we were ushered into the worry of parenthood right off of the bat. We had him home for a day before the doctors told us to take him down to the emergency room. And there began the week of tests, pricks, IVs, no sleep, and baking our baby under the lights. We're finally past that and it's an entire story in and of itself, but I feel like we have moved on so there is no point in dwelling. We're so happy to have our baby home and to have the freedom to enjoy him without worrying so much about his health.
Though its been joyous, its been hard as crap. I had an idea that it would be difficult, but I guess there is no way to really know how hard it was going to be. Even though Andy and I feel like we miss each other all the time (even when were in the same room), and get no sleep, and I haven't had a hot meal without my little alarm clock waking up as soon as it is set on the table, it's the little things that make having him around so great. The faces he makes in his sleep, the little hiccups that he gets without fail everyday (sometimes farting at the same time), his little cry that we think sounds like a Pterodactyl (yes, I had to look that up) before it gets really going, how he smells so sweet, his awesome hair that makes him look more like a little boy instead of a baby, and how much love and awe he has added to our lives.
I know this time is short so im trying not to wish it away for my sleep back. Here are some pictures of the little dude. To see more amazing and better quality pictures of the delivery day and his newborn pics, go to my facebook page or visit http://lelegreencaptures.blogspot.com/2010/11/baby-sully.html
You WILL sleep again. . Promise! Hang in there and take comfort in knowing that every woman who has been a 1st time mom knows exactly what you're going through, so ask for help if you need it. . from someone who has been there! Oh, and the pictures on that website are PRICELESS!! He's absolutely beautiful :)
ReplyDeleteI love how he's crying every time Andy holds him. Such a mama's boy already. hehe.
ReplyDeletePterodactyl cry...thats funny because that is what my friends say about Lilianna. I am glad you and baby Sully are doing well. The first six weeks or so are the hardest it gets easier after that. He is beautiful, you and Andy did good :)
ReplyDeleteHis hair is amazing! Love you madly my friend... Can't believe we're the mamas of one-month-old boys. When did we stop being 18??