I'm pretty sure my animals are trying to prepare me for sleepless motherhood. This site is what I woke up to Monday morning. Thanks Jack. Bearing in mind that he has NEVER done this before. I imagine it will become a regular issue now that he knows the goodness housed in the trashcan. Apparently he knew about the spaghetti thrown in there the night before. Andy swears it was premeditated. We joked about Jack waiting for Andy to leave in the morning and pretending to be asleep, occasionally popping open one eye to see if he had left yet. I was so tired Monday that I left work to go home and sleep. While trying to sleep my cat was licking my nose and "kneading the dough" on my shoulder, meanwhile Jack was spotting something outside the window and bellowing. I felt like crying. Not like you can reason with the dog to tell him to stop because you're just too tired.
So this morning Andy leaves and says to me that he is going to put Jack in his kennel because he wont settle down. Usually we leave Jack out in the morning and he passes out on the couch until I wake up. Well, this morning he was whinning and yelping in his kennel (bringing me to near tears again). I got up, opened the kennel, and he preceded to pace back and forth from one door to the other, whining. Eventually I didn't hear him moving around and suspected another trashcan bandit. I opened the door and immediately smelled it. He had made the most massive pile of goodness on the kitchen floor I have ever seen. I KNEW the spaghetti wouldn't go down that quietly. So, I put on my big girl pants at 430 in the morning and grabbed some kroger bags. Thankfully, I got some of Jack's goodness on several fingers. So, running to the sink, I was washing frantically while dry heaving at the same time. Great way to start the day I think. After that, Jack went and passed out. I never heard another peep from him.
Once I realized why he was acting that way I felt terrible. He was trying his best in his doggie ways to tell us that he couldn't hold it. Sometimes I think God gives dogs the sad eyes so that we can't help but love them even when its gross or annoying.
As for the pregnancy, I am feeling less nauseated but still feeling sickly most days. I only have a few more weeks left in the first trimester and hopefully a lot of this stuff will go away. I have the appetite of a teenage boy. This for me has been the worst thing to deal with. No one warned me about the hunger, but it goes a little something like this. I think I'm getting hungry. Ten minutes later: If I don't eat, I'm going to kill someone. It's pretty dramatic and all happens pretty fast, leaving me petrified of not having food near me.
Check out this amazing video on this website. It blows my mind everytime. http://www.i-am-pregnant.com/pregnancy/calendar/week/10
Here's a little look inside: Your baby's growth is fast and furious when you are 10 weeks pregnant. He or she is nearly an inch and a half long and the size of a prune, but not nearly as shriveled (even with all the time it spends in water). In fact, your baby is really taking a human shape now. Bones and cartilage are forming, and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. The arms (complete with elbows) can flex already, but don't run to the store for a baseball bat just yet. Though your baby's arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is only about the size of this number 1.
The tooth bud fairy is making her appearance this week, heralding the arrival of your baby's little choppers, which are forming under the gums. (Those pearly whites won't break through the gums until your baby is close to six months old). Other systems are go, too. Your baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine, and, if your baby's a boy, he's already producing testosterone (yikes!).
This made me laugh. Once baby comes, there will be mornings that you pray for it to be just 4:30 :) Hang in there, the tiredness gets better for a few weeks after about 16 weeks and then will come back in the 3rd trimester.
ReplyDeleteJack already had my heart and this just sealed it. I LOVE the image of him pretending to be asleep and then peeping one eye open... I had other favorite parts but I'll tell you them when we chat next. Incentive!